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Flat cat escaped

The most important to-dos

As a rule, indoor cats do not run very far away, they often hide directly in the house, for example in the basement, storage room or, in the case of multi-family houses, in open neighboring apartments. Therefore:

  1. Look for everything in your apartment and / or house several times (!), Do not rely on other statements. Cats often hide in very unusual places. Behind cupboards, under bed boxes, washing machines, in basement compartments, etc. If you are not used to being outside your own home, it can take longer to leave your shelter. Also remember to search garages, sheds and garden sheds several times (!) And leave them open for a longer period of time so that the cat can get out, even if you haven't seen them there. Sometimes cats are real artists in hiding. Also ask your neighbors that you are allowed to check their garages, sheds and basements yourself and that all doors are left open for a while so that the frightened cat can make its way home in peace.

  2. Indoor cats are often not easy to find, even with the best of relationships with you, and behave completely differently than in the familiar home. It is not uncommon for many cats to return under cover of the darkness of the night. So go looking again after dark. Bring a flashlight to see the reflective cat's eyes if necessary. Clatters with the usual cat can, calls carefully and (as) relaxed as possible, makes familiar noises.

  3. Make sure you leave your apartment / house doors open so that your cat has the opportunity to come back. Put a filled food bowl in front of your door, also the litter box and / or the cat's blanket. This allows your cat to smell its own familiar scent.

  4. Post a missing person report with a photo of your cat in our partner Facebook group  Cats missed and ran to Munich and around  a. There are over 3,000 members who are well connected. Please enter the district, street name and telephone number under which you can be reached at any time and the information whether it is chipped and registered (no chip number).

  5. Inform the following institutions by telephone (telephone numbers can be found at  Important addresses ): ​​​

    • TASSO  and  FINDEFIX  - even if the cat is not chipped. Registration can be done later.

    • Bahn (game damage)

    • Veterinary clinics

    • AWM building yard

    • Animal crematorium

    • possibly hunter / forester 

    • Animal shelter - possibly also in the surrounding area.

Towing home (HWS)

The HWS is one of the most successful measures in animal search. The purpose of this train is to help the cat get home. Basically, it is important to clarify who is suitable for doing the whiplash, because the owner is not always the closest reference person for the pet. The smell of other pets or neighbors is also theoretically possible. Please contact us beforehand.  


Imagine the home as the sun and the train home as the rays of the sun that lead towards the house.


A T-shirt worn by the caregiver before the runaway is tied to a leash. Now you cycle away from home in one direction. After about 1-2 km you turn around and leave your T-shirt dragged on the floor while driving home. When you get home, you take your T-shirt back up and drive in a different direction. After 1-2 km you turn around again and let your T-shirt drag on the floor. You do this in a star shape from all directions, always in the direction of home. Please never drive over rails, large busy roads, etc.!


HWS with the car ideally works like this: A friend of the family drives his car (i.e. a car that is unfamiliar to the cats) and takes the owner with him. After driving 2 km in one direction, the owner gets out and walks home dragging a worn shirt along the ground behind him. The acquaintance picks it up at home and drives 2km in a different direction. From there the owner goes home with the dragging T-shirt. You do this in a star shape from all directions, always in the direction of home.  


Important: In the case of runaway cats, a drag with the owner's urine, diluted with water in a plastic bottle, has proven its worth. Holes are made in the lid so that liquid drips out when the bottle is turned upside down. The cervical spine can be strengthened with it. Please only carry catnip, valerian or similar items after consulting us and bear in mind that these can also attract foreign cats and, if necessary, prevent your own cat from returning home (turf wars, etc.). 


If the indoor cat has not returned after a few hours, flyers are essential in order to get attention and report sightings. Flyers can either be requested from Tasso or designed yourself.  


When designing, it should be noted that two / three smaller photos make the animal on a lamppost easier to recognize than a large one. When it comes to text, less is more, so that readers can grasp the most important things quickly. In order to be able to check sighting reports, no information about special characteristics should be given. Telephone numbers are of course also important, ideally with small tear-off slips.  


The owners should replace the HWS after the flyer if necessary.

The number of flyers hung is another important criterion. Please hang up at least 300 to 500 pieces within a radius of 2 to 3 km in order to get the necessary attention from people! It is important to fly prominent places and junctions: In front of the bakery, supermarket, butcher, hairdresser, riding stables, voluntary fire brigade, taxi driver, intersections, etc.  


Please note: Flyers are only allowed with prior permission from the responsible authority. Disregard of these regulations can be punished as administrative offenses with a fine. The following is therefore not officially permitted: Placing posters, for example, on trees, lamp posts, street signs, benches, construction fences, power boxes, rubbish bins, etc. Even in private areas, flyers are only permitted with the prior consent of the person entitled (owner, leaseholder, owner, etc.) . Otherwise you violate the rights of third parties.


Unofficially, people usually turn a blind eye. So that it stays that way, we kindly ask you to remove the flyer when the missing animal is back home! Thanks.

Life trap

The use of a live trap makes sense if all attempts to manually secure the cat have failed. In some cases this can happen relatively quickly, for example because there is no close relationship with the owners, they are not mobile or not on site (vacation).  Live traps and wildlife cameras can be used for a fee  can be borrowed from us.

This is how you can reach us

Hundebesitzer erreichen uns über die Hotline (einfach auf den AB sprechen) über unsere Facebook-Gruppe. Es ist fast immer jemand von uns online!

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